Monday, July 31, 2006

SDF Clothing Now Available

Hello Everyone

This is a notice to anyone that ordered SDF clothing...the stuff finally in!

To pick up your order, you can go to 52 Sterling sometime this week, and talk to Krystal. If she isn't in at that time, all the clothing will be marked and in a box in the living room. We trust that you will only take the items that you have ordered/paid for.

Thanks in advance,
Krystal and Bryan

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Company Cast party

Hello boys and girls!
Now I know most of us still have shows to go, but I am sure you are all wondering about this Festival party thing! Now I know some casts are having their own little get-togethers, but it is SDF tradition to have one HUGE finale party!
That being said the lovely Kris Finch (Silvia from 2GV) has offered up her house for us to go out with a bang!!
Where: 50 Holmes
When: Saturday, July 29th
starting around 10pm (or after Trainspotting) and going until the sun comes up!
We will set up the place get some munchies and some non-alchy bevies...but I hope you all bring your own goodies for an evening of delight!
So PLEASE pass word along to anyone and everyone involved in the festival (not randoms if possible!) please SMs email your casts, make a facebook group and I will see you ALL there. This party is not is an absolute must!!!
Any questions/comments suggestions feel free to pester me....OH and if you guys can bring tunes and perhaps a boombox or something fan-dangled like that...SUPER!Thanks guys for a fantastic run and everyone break legs, ribs (2GV), libidos (B&S), fuzzy robes(CIL), necks(MLD) and the addiction(TS) tomorrow at their final runs!
Steph Yantsis

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Arsonists

My brother's new CD The Arsonists, featuring songs from our production of Trainspotting, is now available.

Find out more by visiting his website. Thanks to everyone who have supported him this month!


View Magazine Review

Good Morning Everyone

For anyone who can't wait to find a hard copy of View Magazine, they have posted the reviews for the shows on their website.

Congrats to Everyone

Friday, July 21, 2006

Opening night!

So this is it, ladies and gents. Opening night of the festival. Yay!

I just want everyone to know they've been completely amazing, and that I can't wait to see all the shows. We've all worked hard, and now we get to finally show off. It's going to be SO COOL!

Break a leg, everyone! Just not your own or anyone else in the festival's.

Monday, July 17, 2006

FLYERING - last rounds

Hey Kids

So just in case you can't get enough of helping out with SDF stuff we still need some people to help get out the last rounds of flyers.

Areas that could use some flyering are:

Side Streets off of Emerson as well as off of Whitney (Emerson itself has been done)

MacNab Street (downtown) and side streets off of that.

If you have some time Monday/Tuesday please let us know and we'll get you some flyers to stuff in mailboxes. You can also ask your SMs who can get the flyers in Commons B108.

Otherwise if you'd like to go on a flyer-run with me Tuesday I will wait at the MUSC fireplace at 9:30am (to beat the heat)



ps there are still posters that could be put up around Hamilton, so please get those out as well!!!

pps thanks to those of you who have helped out with all the flyering and postering so far!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Julie Ella's contact info

so I will put a little trust in the internet and give out my contact info because many of you may need it this weekend.
email: julieedubeau AT hotmial (dot) com
cell: 289-439-7987
where I will be for the weekend: Faculty Hollow (if not check Commons B108)

so if you have questions about the stage build (or are in the hollow and can't find anyone) call me because I will only be able to check emails early in the morning and then late at night.

We have power

I know that a few of you were in on the worry about not having power for the stage build this weekend.
we now have power (however limited) from University Hall. We just have to make sure not to flip a breaker that would cost more $$$ then you could imagine.

So now we need tools:

2-drills (plus any cordless)
1-circular saw
extension cords
anything else you have that might be useful

If you have any tools that you will be bringing please comment below and let me know when you bring them. We will store them in Commons B108.
see posts below for details of stage build

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Thrust A Success!

Kait and I would like to say thank you to the volunteers who helped us run the Thrust workshops and public reading this year:


And we'd like to thank the playwrights, who lent us their scripts and opened their writing to the group's discussions:

Brian Morton
Brad Young
Steve & Bryan Fotheringham

Thanks to everyone who came out on Saturday night as well. We made a modest amount of money for the festival (about $25 net) and hopefully helped some friends develop their scripts further.

To everyone, good luck getting ready for tech week and the shows themselves. Hopefully we'll see some of you out at the stage build this weekend!

Jared & Kait

Audition Notice

I don't endorse these guys or anything, but I get their announcements and thought someone out there might be interested...

blaze entertainment
Project: 70's Party
Company: Talent Group
Producer: Stephen Black
Casting Director: fatima
Date: Friday, August 4, 2006
Audition date: TBA
Rate: TBA

Please send Name, Age & only 1 Head Shot (make sure your headshot is clear and large enough to see) to casting [at] blazeent [dot] com by Friday, July 14, 2006 by 11:00 AM.

This is a 70's party, dancers must have great personalities and able to interact with party goers.

12 x Choreographed Dancers for a John Travolta dance number andwilling to wear 70's style clothing

18 x Go-Go Dancers male or female who are willing to wear 70's style clothing


Come drop by our table in the MUSC tomorrow (Thursday July 13) to help sell some baked goods as well as hand out flyers.

If you can bake some goodies, please please do so and drop them off at the table.

We'll be there 10:30am-4:30pm (or later if people offer!)

Also if you can take some time on your own and commit to flyering a section of streets (just on your own time, no need to meet up)
Then come to the table tomorrow (or email the sdf account for alternate arrangements) and we will give you flyers and assign you to do certain areas.
This will give everyone more flexibility and allow us to cover more ground! So there should be very little excuse not to help...everyone should have an hour to spare sometime to go out on their own or with a friend.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Last Chance for Clothing

Good Evening

Since many people have requested a little bit more time to hand in their clothing orders, I will allow a slight extension. I will be at the fireplace from 6pm-7pm tomorrow (wednesday).

If the orders are not in by that time, you will be out of luck.


Flyering Surrounding Mac Area (WED & THURS)

FLYERING WEDNESDAY JULY 12! Meet at the fireplace in the MUSC at 10:00am.

FLYERING THURSDAY JULY 13! Meet at the fireplace in the MUSC at 1:00pm

We'll go from there.
Sorry for the short notice.

email the sdf accountif you have any questions.

if you want to join onto our convoy and can't make it at the above times, call my cell phone (905-518-8279).

We need as much help as we can get. thanks.

Stage Build: Important Info

Hello again,
If you plan on coming out to the stage build here are a few things to remember:
-closed toes shoes: running shoes are fine but no sandels will be allowed
-wear approriate clothing. you're going to get dirty and sweaty and will be moving arround a lot
-WEAR SUNSCREEN, everyone must. note to actors remember that sunburns make acting difficult
-Drink LOTS; now in this case I mean Water and poweraid. we will be out in the sun so don't get dehydrated. Saturday night you may drink other things if you please- however you may not build on Sunday if you are hung-over and the fewer people we have on Sunday the longer it will take to finish the stage.
-Bring ID, and Health Card**
-Waivers must be signed before starting to help out. all activities are at your own risk **
-we will continue all day if weather permits taking breaks as needed. If the weather gets bad we will stop and wait-it-out.
-Please bring all the tools you can, especially drills, ratchet sets and extension cords. Oh yeah, levels and saws are also helpful!
-Stoping by for an hour or two is helpful. So if that's the only time you can spare, we'll take it.

**this items are part of our Risk Management plan and cannot be skiped**

Here is the weathe forcast for the nest few days as of Tues. July 11 at 9am.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Stage Build: plan of attack

All times are estimates- “We roll with the punches”

Thursday July 13th
. Julie Ella will be mapping the stage in the hollow.
You may come if you wish but there will likely be no large entertainment.

Friday July 14th
: meet at Fire place in MUSC. We will be going to the storage space on Dartnell road to pick up the stage pieces. (about 5 people and 1 driver + passenger car needed)
10am: meet at Faculty Hollow to unload stage
11am: Load #2 from storage (and Laine’s Garage)
12noon: unload #2, inventory of items we have.
1pm: Break for lunch, rest up… flyer Westdale… (Julie Ella –and a friend- at Home Depot)
5pm-ish: Start of stage build

Saturday July 15th
Continue Stage build all day (weather permitting, until dusk)
Followed by outing for Monica’s Birthday
(don’t party too hard we will have to build on Sunday too)

Sunday July 16th
Continue Stage Construction. –all day until done or dusk

Monday July 17th
If not finished, Stage build continues: backdrops and painting will likely be done on this day.
Move into HTI:
9am pack truck from Commons B108; 10am arrive at HTI… For the rest of the week we will be at HTI from 10am-10pm. Need for Volunteers will be clarified shortly –if you want to be an ASM/stage-hand and have the time free (for all rehearsals and show) please let me know.

If you know when you will be around to help out please comment below or email me julieedubeau AT hotmail (please use “stage build schedule” as the subject line)

"Many Hands makes easy work"

SDF Clothing Orders Due

Hi Again Everyone

Just as a reminder, all order forms and money are due TUESDAY JULY 11th. Please bring any outstanding material to the SDF meeting tomorrow (Tues. July 11, 5pm MUSC room 220).

Since a few people have requested these, here is the 411 on the items:
size width length

Medium 2029
Large 2230
X-Large 2431
2X-Large 2632
Heavyweight Blend 50/50 Full Zip Hooded Sweatshirt

1860Catalogue page 87





Promo/Baked Good Table

We need your help to promote the festival!!
We'll be in the MUSC with a lovely display board, banner and flyers to hand out. As well as have some yummy baked goods to sell to bring in some dough.

So please come out and if you can donate some baked goods let us know (this is vital so we can gather some donations too.. i've only really had one volunteer so far).

Tues July 11: 12noon - 4:30pm
Thurs July 13: 10:30 - 4:30pm


ps get back to us about ad sales (ads due july 16) -- donate empty beer bottles so we can cash them in -- volunteer to flyer houses in the surrounding mcmaster and downtown area starting THIS wednesday

Fire Safety Training CANCELLED

Hi everyone,
unfortunately our instructer for Fire Safety has had to cancel at the last minute.
So there is no traingin on Tuesday July 11th.
I will be in touch with him to go over some basics and will pass it on to those of you how need it (aka House managers and SMs). if anyone else want's to get the shpeel from me just ask (I will answer if I can)

We will he having out production meeting (possibly last-since it is tech week next week) at the regular time - Tuesday July 11th at 5pm in MUSC 220


Sunday, July 09, 2006

TS Makeup

Hello my lovely little gadges!

We need to do make-up because none of us look like heroin addicts naturally. Therefore, choose a spot below and sign up for your make-up consultation with me at my house on Monday July 10/06.

Remember tobring your foundation and your black eyeliner to the meeting. I willtake care of the rest.

5pm - 5:30pm: Bryan
5:30pm - 6pm: Nicole
6pm - 6:30pm:
6:30pm - 7pm:
7pm - 7:30pm: Caroline
7:30pm - 8pm:
8pm - 8:30pm:
8:30pm - 9pm:
9pm - 9:30pm:

See you then!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Membership past due

All righty folks,

I was looking over my lovely lovely spreadsheets, and comparing it to the cast lists I have, and I've noticed something.

I'm missing SEVERAL membership fees. This is bad with a capital BAD!

Lets think about it this way. You may think "oh it's just ten bucks they won't miss it." But if you and nine other people do it, the festival is out a hundred bucks. That's a hundred bucks that is not going towards the plays, the rentals, or the rights. We don't have the money for those things, the festival doesn't go on, plain and simple.

How many fees am I missing? I don't want to put up all our budget information on the interweb, so lets just say it's way more than ten, but not as many as fifty.

Some things have ended up costing SIGNIFICANTLY more than budgeted, such as rights and theatre rental. Every little bit at this point helps.

Remember- no money, no plays, and a lot of wasted time and energy on the part of a lot of people.

Sorry to be doom and gloomy, and thanks to the people who got in their memberships on time or early.


Thursday, July 06, 2006


Guess what! We need more social events. and what brings people better then food?
So in the spirit of "Lets all have fun and get to know one another before this festival starts" aka I'm buttering you up before stage build and tech week...
Phoenix (probably deck)
Thursday July 6th (sorry for the late notice I just got the idea the other day)
9:30pm (after most rehearsals and classes)
Nachos on ME!!!! (that right free food... However this will not be unlimited)

spread the word,
PS free nachos are for SDF members only but other guest are welcome to join the fun

Email Updates Now Available

Some of you may have noticed the new section on the right-hand side of this screen. It looks like:

By entering your email address and clicking the subscribe button, you can receive updates on blog postings to your inbox.

Some info:

  • This is good if you forget to check the blog for SDF news. Things are picking up and you don't want to be missing things.
  • The updates aren't immediate - they come once a day or so. If you need more immediate info you'll still have to check the actual blog once in a while. It's still a good reminder though.
  • Comments don't show up in the emails. If you'd like to make a comment or see what comments other people have written you'll still have to link up to the blog.
  • This service is run by FeedBlitz. You can click on their link under the subscribe button to go to their site and read their terms if you'd like.
  • When you first sign up, make sure the FeedBlitz emails aren't going into your junk mail folder without you noticing.
Anyway, hope this helps some people keep up to date. Another great way is to make the blog your home page in your browser, but in the summer some people might not be surfing as often. Do what works for you, but remember to keep in touch.

If anybody has any questions, feel free to comment or email me at jared_lenover [at] hotmail [dot] com.


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

SDF Clothing

Hello Everyone

For everyone that is interested, listed below is an order form for the SDF line of company clothing. Just copy the information below the line, print out your form and give it (along with your money) to myself (Bryan), Krystal, or you can bring it to the production meeting on Tuesday.

All forms are due by July 11th.

If you have any questions or concerns, either post a comment or talk to Krystal or myself.



Summer Drama Festival 2006

Clothing Order Form!

Always wanting to be seen sporting one-of-a-kind fashionable SDF clothing? Well now is your chance to get this exclusive offer, open to all cast and crew!

We have two lovely options to choose from. First there is the Ringer T, with the SDF logo screenprinted across the front and the festival dates and plays on the back in navy to match the navy trim. Second is a great zip-up hoodie for the slightly cooler weather, with the SDF logo on the left front and the festival dates on the back, also in navy. You can choose one or both of these unisex styles.

Name______________________ Play________________________

Email ______________________ Phone______________________


Colour (circle one)

Size (circle one)


Total Cost

Ringer T



Light blue







Only $12 each inc tax

Zip-Up Hoodie



Royal Blue

Ash White






Only $32 each inc tax

Thrust on Saturday!

Yes. Thrust on Saturday.

For those of you who haven't heard, Thrust is being held this Saturday, July 8 starting at 7:00 PM in Wentworth Lounge (beside the Phoenix). It features readings from three plays written by SDF playwrights including Brad Young, Brian Morton and the famous Fotheringhams.

Bring your friends! Donations are accepted at the door and proceeds go to support the festival. A cash bar will be available.

For more info, visit the Thrust website at

See you Saturday!


Audition Reminder

Just a quick reminder that auditions for The Rural Legends of Mary Rutherford are being held tomorrow (Thursday) and by appointment with the director.

For more information, please click here.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Thrust Workshop Tonight

Hey everyone.

Thanks to those people who volunteered to help with Thrust this week! We still need a few more readers, so if you have the time, let us know at The details are in my previous post below.

For those of you planning on coming to the workshop tonight, it will be held in room 220 in the Student Centre from 9:30 PM to 11:30 PM.

If anyone has any questions, just let me and Kait know. Feel free to email questions to the email above.


First aid class

SDF has organized an Emergency First Aid class to be held for some of our SMs and Front of House Managers. This class will Sunday July 9th from 9am-6pm in the Student Centre. We are looking for more people to take the course to fill it. The course cost $60 and your get certification for (I beleive) 2-3 years. If you are thinking of taking the SM class (Thrt&flm 3CC3) this year or next your will have to take this class at some time, why not now? First aid is a very handy thing to know, I have personaly used my training offten.
Because we are trying to fill the course, I will offer it 1/2 price to the first person who wishes to join (you pay $30, SDF pays $30). Please let me know as soon as possible, I would like to give numbers by Thursday July 6th night.
email me at julieedubeau [AT] Hot Mail (dot) {com}

Trainspotting Website

Hey everyone.

Marco and I have put together a promotional website for Trainspotting. Feel free to pass the address on to friends and acquaintances who are interested in seeing the show (after they see yours of course)!

The site is at:

See you soon!


Monday, July 03, 2006

Box Office Now Open

That's right ladies and gents (those form Verona and everywhere else) The box office is now open.
If you would like to buy tickets please meet me before the production meetings 4:45-5pm Tuesdays in MUSC room 220 (meeting 5pm). Tickets must be paid for when you pick them up. (letting me know what you will want is helpfull)
There are ticket reservations available on the website as well.
Link. (if you haven't been for a while check it out there have been some cool updates- like a paypal donation section for sponsors)
Shortly (Wednesday or Thursday) tickets will also be available at Compass.
Tickets will also be available at the door (indoor seating is limited)

If you have any questions regarding the Box Office please let me know

Head shots

we have posted head shots on the internet for everyone to see and approve. so here they are
They are under "Head shots 2006". (Oh yeah, there also are photos from Boston Pizza in May, so that may be of interest as well )

The catch is you have to approve your picture by midnight on Wednesday or forever hold your peace. Also if you want to have your picture changed this must be done by Saturday.

You all look great so I don't think they will be any problems-right?!

Body and Soul: your pictures were taken by Amanda and as far as I know they have been approved. You may approach her directly if you have any issues.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

We still need some help thrusting...

Hey everybody,

Kait and I still need a few people to help read scripts for the Thrust original works event next weekend.

We have three scripts being read (or partially read). In order to have the parts covered we need approximately:

  • 3 more guys
  • 3 more girls
Some of the roles are substantial and others are just small and fun. We'd ask that you attend one of the two workshop nights next week:
  • Tuesday, July 4 at 9:30 PM (MUSC 220)
  • Thursday, July 6 at 7:00 PM (MUSC 220)
And then of course we'd need you for the Public Reading on Saturday, July 8 beginning at 6:30 PM.

No memorization is required. Please consider giving us a hand if you can. It won't take a lot of your time and Kait and I (and the playwrights) would appreciate your help!

If you'd like to help, send us a quick email at

Thank you.


It's Your Festival reminder

Hey if you are looking for something to do today (July 1st) or Monday (July 3rd) remember that SDF willl be at It's your festival and we need help manning the booth.

It should be fun, and you can do your part in promoting SDF so we can get Lots of people out to see the shows.

see the original post by clicking here