Audition Notice

The Rural Legends of Mary Rutherford
Written & Directed by Robert Porter
August 17 - 27, 2006
Part of the Hamilton Fringe Festival
For decades now, legends of a witch named Mary Rutherford buried in an obscure woodland cemetery north of Hanover, Ontario have intrigued many. Local youth spread the tales to frighten their peers, and use the grave-site as a partying location. But who was the real 'Mary Rutherford', and where have all the various and conflicting legends about her come from?
Through poetry, music, multimedia, and conventional dialogue, “The Rural Legends of Mary Rutherford” follows the stories of an 'Isabella Rutherford' as her family emigrates from Scotland to Canada in the 1860s – while we also follow a group of rural teens in modern day who enjoy partying at the supposed haunted grave-site that lies down the winding dark and narrow 'Rutherford Road'.
will be held on
Wednesday, July 5 from 5:00 to 7:30 PM
Thursday, July 6 from 5:00 to 7:30 PM
in the
McMaster University Student Centre Clubs Space
(MUSC 215)
Can't make these times?
Audition appointments can also be made by emailing the director at
2 Males, pref. age 19-24
1 Male, pref. age 45-65, ability to produce a Scottish accent a bonus
1 Female, any age
1 Female, pref. 40-60, ability to produce a Scottish accent a bonus
Please feel free to pass on this information to others who may be interested.
This is not a Summer Drama Festival event. Anyone is welcome.
Hey is this the script that was read at the original works last year?
I remember it being good, funny at times. I'm glad it's being done for the fring
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