General Meeting May 6th
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen of the Summer Drama Festival,
Now that we are in the month of May it's time to get this show rolling. Exams are done (for those of you who had them) and summer is upon us; so lets start having FUN.
I would like to invite you to the Summer Drama Festival general meeting this Sunday May 6th at 4:30pm in room 311 of the Student Centre.
At this meeting the exec will introduce themselves and their roles to everyone and talk about our summer plans for the festival. As you can imagine it takes a lot of preparation, planning and work to get a festival like SDF going so the production exec will be looking to you for help in all aspects of pre-production. I'll be speaking of different ways that you can get involved. But the real reason for this meeting is for all of you to meet and get to know each other. Come find out who's in the casts and production teams. SDF is a group project that really creates great friendships and in my opinion is the best way to spend the summer.
If you know anyone who wants to help bring them along, Everybody is welcome!
I look forward to seeing and meeting you all there,
Julie Ella
PS. we will also be collection the $10 membership fee from all cast and crew so please remeber to bring some cash :)
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