Friday, January 27, 2006

Director proposals DUE

Hey hey,
Director proposals are due January 27th (TODAY). Please send them to
Questions can be sent there too.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Last minute Cancellation

Hello again,
So it seems that this is a very busy time of year...
we will have to cancel the steering committee meeting for Friday January 13th due to only 2-3? People being able to make it (and not the exec).

The exec will have an open meeting early next week (Monday January 16th at 7:30pm location TBD) that you are all welcome to attend if you would like an update.

In the mean time:
--word from SOTA is that there is no summer tech. therefore no Robinson Theatre unless Dr. Cockett is there whenever we are -That's not going to happen! We won't ask it from him
--SOTA doesn't want to talk to us again until February. So for now we are working with the thought "No News is Good News"
--we have 3 play proposals in already and are expecting more before the dead line of Friday January 27th at noon
--we will have to work on promoting the deadline for director proposals and then the coordinator positions and so on. If you want to help or have any ideas please let us know (we really need man power here)

if anyone has questions or concerns please email

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Date Change of Steering Committee meeting

We will be holding the Steering Committee meeting on January 13th. time and room TBD

If anyone would like to help with posters to promote the Director Proposal deadline contact us at

Monday, January 02, 2006

Steering Committee Meeting

Steering committee Meeting
Friday January 6th, 6:30pm, MUSC 224.

If you haven't come to a Steering meeting before don't let that stop you from coming this week. We like getting info/ideas from all of you, after all YOU are what make the festival.