Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Thrust Original Submissions

Thrust Original is a special event run by the Summer Drama Festival to help develop and showcase scripts written by people from McMaster and the surrounding community.

Workshops will be held in late June / early July with a public reading scheduled for the weekend of July 7-9. More specific information will be provided soon.

We’re looking for original dramatic works of any length for workshop and public reading. The festival is open to all level of experience, from barely literate to the next Beckett! If you'd like to submit a script, please send it to by June 22.

PDF or Word format is preferred. The authors of the scripts chosen for workshop and/or reading will be notified by June 26. We reserve the right to choose portions of a script for workshop or reading in some cases.

If you have any questions, please don't be afraid to ask! Send your inquiries to the email address above.

Jared and Kait.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Thrust Original Works

As a feature of the Summer Drama Festival we will be holding a special series of events showcasing original scripts from McMaster and the surrounding community.

Thrust Original Works will be held on the weekend of July 7-9. More information will be coming soon - including a submission date in mid June for scripts or working manuscripts.

Please check back soon for more information.

Jared and Kait.

Hamilton Urban Theatre Needs YOU

Hello, lovelies.

This is going to be the first of what will doubtless be many, many abuses of my blog posting access.

The Hamilton Urban Theatre Association, where I work, is in a bit of a jam. We're putting on a production of A Midsummer's Night Dream, running June 4-7. So that's less than a week to opening.

Last night, the guy playing Lysander quit.

So we kind of sort of DESPERATLY need someone who knows the play to fill in the part. You'd be working with mainly high school students. It's a free show, performing on the roof of Jackson Square.

If interested, e-mail giacinti AT lycos DOT com or call 905-540-9862. (ps there is a possibility of payment. Yay!)

Thanks bunches, and remember that membership dues are due at the end of the month! Ten bucks for cast, crew, production team, and everybody!

Edit: Never mind, all is good, day is saved. Huzzah!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Production meeting May 30th

That's right folks, once again this week (in a very predictable manner) we will be having a production meeting TUESDAY (May 30th) at 5pm in MUSC 220.
If you have questions about what happens at these meeting come and find out or read the post below

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Prod Squad meeting

Tuesday May 23rd at 5pm in MUSC room 220

this will be our first full production meeting:
we will be BRAINSTORMING and planning a time line.
Topics will include: Promotions, fundraising, volunteer recruitment, social activities, Tech and set, Original works series, archiving, box office/front of house, and anything else that might come up.
I plan on being there for about 2hrs: if you can only come for 1/2hr do so we need all your brains (for brainstorming, not for eating like those zombies... oh zombies)

Monday, May 22, 2006

1st SDF 2006 PARTY

there will be an SDF company party on Saturday May 27th, 2006 at Boston Pizza (at 8:00pm).

Stage Managers please remind your cast and crew.
Cast and Crew tell your stage manager (or me) if you are coming [so we have an idea of #s]
stage managers tell me if your cast or crew tell you they are coming :)

Saturday, May 13, 2006

1st company meeting results

Yesterday was the 1st company meeting of the 2006 season. Thank you to everyone who came.
for those of you who missed it, here's what you missed:

introductions of the Exec: Monica -Artistic Director, Julie Ella -Production Stage Manager (GM duties have been split between the two)

Directors gave a brief description of their shows and introduced their cast members that were present.
Membership dues are $10 (due by June 1st- to Julie Ella)

Show schedule was unveiled (it will be posted here as soon as I can figure out how)

Venue situation was discussed

Call for coordinators: (they don't do all the work but plan a lot of it)
Financial = Chris ; Volunteer = Steve ; Fundraising ; Promotions ; Box Office/ Front of House
other coordinators may be created as needed ex. Clothing, programs, original works

Production Meetings are scheduled every Tuesday at 5pm in MUSC room 220- come and help out as much or as little as you want

Alumni services has contacted us to work together again like last year

keep an eye on the blog,
email address is,
calendar of events can be found at

there was post meeting drinking and socializing at Phoenix.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Meeting Time!

The first company meeting, attempt number two, will take place this Friday, May 12 at 7 pm in MUSC 311.

This isn't just for people who are alreay in cast or production teams. This is for anyone who wants to be involved. Want to help build sets or help with fundraising or promotions or costumes or anything at all? Come on out!

We're going to be introducing the exec and the directors, so it would be amazing if everyone involved, or who would like to be involved, could come out.

If you can't make it, e-mail and let us know what you'd like to be involved with. Hooray!

Chris McLeod
SDF Treasurer