Saturday, May 13, 2006

1st company meeting results

Yesterday was the 1st company meeting of the 2006 season. Thank you to everyone who came.
for those of you who missed it, here's what you missed:

introductions of the Exec: Monica -Artistic Director, Julie Ella -Production Stage Manager (GM duties have been split between the two)

Directors gave a brief description of their shows and introduced their cast members that were present.
Membership dues are $10 (due by June 1st- to Julie Ella)

Show schedule was unveiled (it will be posted here as soon as I can figure out how)

Venue situation was discussed

Call for coordinators: (they don't do all the work but plan a lot of it)
Financial = Chris ; Volunteer = Steve ; Fundraising ; Promotions ; Box Office/ Front of House
other coordinators may be created as needed ex. Clothing, programs, original works

Production Meetings are scheduled every Tuesday at 5pm in MUSC room 220- come and help out as much or as little as you want

Alumni services has contacted us to work together again like last year

keep an eye on the blog,
email address is,
calendar of events can be found at

there was post meeting drinking and socializing at Phoenix.


At May 24, 2006 6:07 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amanda from Body and Soul:

Thanks for the re-cap since I was unable to attend the first meeting.

I'll be at the next meeting fo sure (on the 30th)




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