Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Bye Bye Commons B108 ...

If you have any items in Commons B108 please arrange to have them removed by Friday August 19th. I will be handing the room back over to SOTA Friday afternoon. Any items left in the room at that time will be thrown out.
~That is all~

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Julie-Ella's Pictures

At 9:59 AM, Julie Ella said...

Hey there, I know a few people are asking for pictures so here are a few spots you can check out. (the second one is linked to my MSN so there is other stuff than just SDF but a whole lot of it is)...

Steve and I are also talking about having a picture slidshow night.... stay tuned for more info.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Stage Moving - Friday Aug. 12

The time has come to move our stage, loving piece by loving piece, to its new home.

Move Date: Friday, August 12th (Yes, TOMORROW!!)
Move Time: 10am start – go until it’s moved
Why-on-Earth-so-soon: It will be made into a BBQ pit unless we get it off campus now (so say the powers that be … )

~That is all~

Monday, August 08, 2005

Final treasury report

As many of you know, we started this season with a debt to the School of the Arts. This debt made the 2005 festival very difficult and stressful for the administrative team.

There is no one person that can be blamed for this situation. We all put a lot of effort into this festival, and every single show was great. The official announcement was made at the Post Mortem this evening, and it's now my duty as treasurer to make it known publicly.

Okay, I can't keep this up any longer. Ladies and gentlemen, we made a profit! The debt, the shows, everything is covered! We can do this again next year, and it will be bigger and better and more amazingly awesome than anything!

Bring it on SDF 2006, we're ready for ya.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Shrew Crew: Hot Stuff

Rob took this shot. You guys look great.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Tool Pick-up

There are still a few tools left in Commons B108. If you have not yet picked up your tools, please e-mail me [MatlsEng{at}] to arrange a time.

Tools will only be held until Wed. next week.

SDF Post Mortem - July 8th at 7pm, JHE 317

I hope everyone has now had a few days to relax after festival close (single tear).

SDF05 Post Mortem will take place on Monday, July 8th (this Monday coming up) at 7:00pm in JHE 317. Everyone is welcome to attend. Those interested in becoming involved in SDF next year are highly encouraged to be there.

The Post Mortem is a time to dissect and discuss the festival this year. We will be discussing what went well, and what can be done better next year. Please come with you own thoughts and ideas on both topics.

~That is all~


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

SDF Terry Fox Team

The 25th Annual Terry Fox Run to raise money for cancer research will be held on September 18. There's going to be an event site right here at McMaster, starting from the student centre. People collect donations and walk, run, blade or bike a course around campus.

Last year the Summer Drama Festival had a team participating in the run. We managed to raise over $900 for cancer research! The team has been registered again for this year and our goal is to raise $1000.

Everyone involved with the festival is welcome to join the team. Friends can join too! At the least, it will give us an excuse to get together with each other again now that the festival is over. We could even run a fundraising event together if we want to!

Join the Team!
Click the link above to register.

There is no minimum donation to participate in the run, but it would be nice if each of us could collect or donate at least $20 for the cause. My goal is $100. The Terry Fox Run is non-competitive. You can walk, bike, blade or run.

If you have any questions about the team, please email me. If you'd like to learn more about Terry Fox, the Terry Fox Foundation or the Terry Fox Run, please check out the Terry Fox Run website.

Updated Audition Info: The Real Inspector Hound

message from Jaclyn:
The Real Inspector Hound
by Tom Stoppard
directed by Jaclyn Scobie

Extra audition Tuesday August 2nd from 7pm to 10pm.

Charlotte Villas, 120 Darling St., Brantford, ON

Please email Jaclyn at sillysymphony [at], for any questions.

Performances are the first two weekends in October.
Rehearsals begin mid-August in Brantford.

Monday, August 01, 2005

HTI Move-Out

The move out from HTI will be at 1:30pm on Tuesday Aug. 2nd (tomorrow!). We will be meeting at HTI and removing our stuff from there.

Please stay tuned for details on Stage remains (tear..) moving to our storage facility - it will mostly likely be later this week.
Details on SDF05 Post mortum will be up shortly. I encourage all those interested in being apart of SDF next year to attend, once I announce where and when it is.

~That is all~