Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Sign up for Fundraising

Hello all!

Okay, so asking people to just drop by to help with the spare change fundraising didn't work (as we had zero helpers), so we are trying a new approach: asking people to sign up to help ahead of time. If you can make it to a class, post a reply with the time/date you can help out at. Remember to meet 10 minutes ahead of time at the Fireplace in the Student center and that this only takes 15 minutes to accomplish. Directors, if you could allow your actors to duck out of rehersals at this time to help, it would be GREATLY appreciated!

Class Time Classroom Date
English 3CC3 6:00pm BSB/B135 26-Jun
Classics 2K03 7:00pm HH/104 26-Jun
Chemistry 1AA3 6:00pm ABB/102 27-Jun
Comm 2AB3 7:00pm MDCL/1105 27-Jun
Comm St. 2T03 7:00pm TSH/120 28-Jun
Chemistry 2OB3 6:00pm JHE/376 29-Jun
Comm St 2J03 7:00pm KTH/B135 29-Jun
Econ 2G03 7:00pm TSH/B105 3-Jul
Econ 2G03 7:00pm TSH/B105 4-Jul
Eng 1D04 7:00pm ABB/102 5-Jul
Geo 2WW3 7:00pm JHE/264 6-Jul
English 1AA3 7:00pm BSB/137 10-Jul
Hisp. 1Z06 7:00pm MDCL/1008 11-Jul
History 3AA3 7:00pm KTH/B135 12-Jul
History 2TT3 7:00pm MDCL/1102 13-Jul
Peace St 3F03 7:00pm KTH/B135 17-Jul
Mth 1AA3 7:00pm HH/302 18-Jul
Pol Sc 1G06 7:00pm MDCL/1010 19-Jul
Phil 2D03 7:00pm MDCL/1010 20-Jul


- Steve


At June 28, 2006 1:51 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did my Music for Film/Tv course.



At June 28, 2006 7:19 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a cup going at work!

86 cents and still kicking...


At June 28, 2006 11:13 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all!

I cannot make it on Thursday (June 29) for fundraising - is there anyone that can head up the change collection this day? If so, I would appreciate it!



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