Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Guess what I'm about to talk about...

It's everyone's favourite treasurer with a Public Service Announcement. Again. As usual.

I'm going to be at the Boston Pizza shindig tomorrow night. If you have not paid your membership fees, it is acceptable and even ENCOURAGED to do so. However, if you e-mail me I remain at your disposal to meet and pick up membership forms any afternoon or evening this week.

If you have some reason why you can't pay- you can't meet with me, you're flat broke, you aren't cast yet (which is actually the reason for two outstanding fees)- TELL ME! We can work something out. I won't bite you, I don't know where you've been.

Oh, and "I'm not in a play, I'm just a volunteer" is not a reason. Tori and Rob are just volunteers, but they were the first to pay. I'm just a volunteer, but I still managed to give myself the ten dollars. Which was an interesting experience.

In conclusion, GET YOUR MONEY IN! (and sorry about the quadruple post- I kept getting errors)


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