Update from Rob
-Silhouette took pics and did a follow up interview
-a few letters went out for downtown businesses (20)
-scheduled SWWOM rehearsals until performance
-BIOS DUE TODAY! I only have about half of them at most
-we desperately need someone to just hand out letters to businesses in Dundas and on Locke, or any untouched in Westdale. If you can, please call Jared (Jared - the letters are in the living room on the black side-table). One letter and brochure per business. I cannot do this myself as I work during business hours.
List of businesses covered:
Westdale area:
Queen of Net
Bryan Prince, Bookseller
Adventure Attic
Pita Pit
Pita Planet
Bean Bar
Write Impressions
Global Market
"The" Boutique
Scarlett Runner Plants & Gifts
Runner's Den
Comic Connection
Westdale Bookworm
Pierik's Cycle
Cottage Florist
The Picture Frame
Westdale Florist
The Villager
Vital Planet (has brochures)
Jack Currath Shoes
Klassy Closet
Walker's Chocolates
The Casual Gourmet
Westdale Optician
Zenith TV
Westdal Theatre
1010 Bistro
Chez Bonbon (will contribute door prize; has brochures)
Snooty Fox
Turtle Pond
Zoran Designs
Weil's of Westdale
Fred Astaire's
Locke & Dundern Streets/Area:
Portugese Bakery
Staircase Theatre (will contribute at least $50, maybe $100 - I am to contact Rob on wednesday at 2; has brochures)
J. Taylor Antiques
Antiques on Locke
Locke Street Antiques
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