More stuff from Rob
Hey everyone.. the Silhouette article is now out on SDF. It's short, it's kinda thrown together last minute, but at least we have the publicity. They did miquote me on a couple things, but nothing too major. Just so you all know, they do plan on reviewing each play at the moment, and they are still deciding if the August Sil will come out on August's first week, or July's last week. If it's July's last week, it would be neat since the reviews would be out during the festival. No word yet on the spec, and we're going to try and see if the View wants to put an article in about us...
As you may now know, this blog is for all the festival. This is in the interest of me not having to email the updates in seperate emails to all directors/stage managers, and so it's in one place, and because it's easier than email. I can write one of these quickly, come back and edit any errors, whereas emails are gone once you send them...
Sameer has told me that tomorrow or so we will hear back from one of our potential large sponsors. As well, final staging plans are in the works, and a dress rehearsal schedule (for each show and the festival itself) is also near finalizing.
If you have not submitted a bio, send it now! Email with it. These were due last Saturday. A reminder to directors that your notes (and bios, I guess ... I'll be nice) are due next weekend. I'm okay with them being in by Sunday.
That's all for now...
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