Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Wanted: Plain Print Sheets

Trojan Women is looking for 3-4 plain print sheets to be tailored into stylin' Trojan-ware.

If you have any plain print sheets lying around that you could donate, (twin or double is good, queen size would be great!), please e-mail me.

~That is all~



At June 07, 2005 4:12 p.m., Blogger Jared said...

What do you mean by "plain print" sheets? Does colour or anything like that matter?

At June 07, 2005 10:28 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,
Since I doubt any Trojans (or Greeks for that matter) wore togas with little rose flowers or Batman on them, the preferred sheets would be plain white without patterns. Think hospital sheets (I do not encourage stealing from a hospital).
However we would also welcome some solid coloured sheets to be used as cloaks for some characters. Dark colours are preferred.
If you have anything you wish to donate email Tori or me (julieedubeau at hotmail)
TW seamstress

At June 07, 2005 10:34 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I have your attention I’ll also ask for a few other things we are looking for:
-a devil’s fork (plastic from a Hallowe’en costume)
-dark faux leather (aka vinyl) to be made into a skirt of armor -
-buttons: white or gold, the size of 25cents, pairs are preferred

Again if you have any of this laying around your house email me.
Thanks tones.


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