Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Scream it from the roof-tops ... GO NOW!!!

It's been many weeks and you've all been working very hard ... especially with that voice projection I am sure. So find your nearest tall building (really if you're on the roof anything will do) and start telling people that your festival is coming to town and they had better get off their lazy butts and get some culture ... that's right we're playing theatre off as something cultured and don't you forget it.

Now while you're acting like crazies and screaming (projecting from your diaphragm that is) from the roof tops I have done something slightly different.

The festival is now officially going to be advertised in the local papers in the Hamilton region (ancaster star, dundas star, mountain news and hamilton news) so keep an eye out for it. With a weekly distribution of 100 000 homes we are hoping to get a 5% return (but this is theatre and we only expect a 1% return).

That's all for now.

Your friendly neighbourhood producer



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